The Power of Enzymes

DMK’s range of treatments and products are created with plant-based ingredients, which work in harmony with the skin’s natural chemistry. We believe that working with the skin, rather than merely acting on the skin’s surface, obtains talked-about results!
An excessive build-up of dead cell tissues, combined with poor skin functioning, is what contributes to wrinkles, fine lines, premature ageing, pigmentation, blackheads, and breakouts!
That’s where Enzyme Therapy comes in, too:
• Hydrolyse dead redundant cell build-up
• Alleviate debris and impurities, leaving a clear healthy smooth complexion
• Increased cellular activity for superior skin nourishment
• Supreme oxygenation for tissue regeneration
• Antioxidants to fight and combat free radical damage
• Encourages your skin to form new collagen
• Provides renewed elastin activity for tighter, firmer, skin.
Enzymes allow for unique treatments, which match the individual’s body chemistry, regardless of ethnic background, gender, age, or skin condition!
Optimal skin functioning is the key to slowing the aging process and correcting skin conditions naturally.
Once you have experienced Enzyme Therapy you won’t settle for anything less!